VersaFit is designed to fit any lifestyle on any schedule! So whether you’re just starting out, looking to get back into exercising or want to take your training to the next level…you give me the WHAT I’ll give you the HOW! VersaFit Training Programs take customization to a whole new level. You pick the elements you want incorporated in your playbook and WE design YOUR program to FIT your LIFE.
VersaFiT playbooks are delivered and managed via Google Sheets which updates in real time so we are always connected. But what’s really cool, is how VersaFit Training Programs are intricately formulated to adjust to your performance. VersaFit programs are formulated to automatically forecast how much weight you should shoot for on each exercise each week.
Just want a workout program or nutrition plan? Cool, I have provenly effective and easy-to-follow programs available for download. Pick from at-home or gym-based workout programs, general fitness or advanced workout programs tailored to more specific training goals and meal plans calculated to body weights & lifestyles. Combo packs are also available. No matter what product FIT’s your needs, everything is designed to take the guesswork out of your training and nutrition.
Let VersaFit Help You
If you like the idea of fitness fitting your life rather than making your life fit your fitness goals, let me help you. VersaFit will help change the way you think and feel about getting and staying in shape. We keep things simple and help you start to live the life you WANT rather than have to!
K.I.S.S. your old mindset goodbye!